CANı gülerken, yürürken, konuşurken, okula giderken hayal etmek, yarınlara dair taşıdığım umudun bir simgesi gibi bana moral veriyordu. Hatta bu hayaller rüyalarıma taşıyordu. CAN büyüdükçe düşlerim onunla beraber gerçekleşti ve gelişti. Her geçen gün olgunlaşan bir meyve gibi, sulu ve tatlı, rengarenk bir çocuk oldu CAN.
Hala burukluklarım, hala kabuslarım var tabi, her annenin vardır herhalde, benimkiler biraz farklı belki, ama ben de bir anneyim ve CAN da bir çocuk. Önünde upuzun bir yaşam olan ve hayatın tadına bakmayı seven bir çocuk. Acısıyla tatlısıyla, seveniyle kıskananıyla, sarılıp dışlayanıyla yaşamın sunabildiklerini olduğu gibi kabul edip mutlu olması en büyük dileğim.
Evet CAN özel bir çocuk, doğduğu andan itibaren genelgeçer kuralları yıkarak ilerleyen bir çocuk, yaşamı mucizelerle dolu bir çocuk, CAN bizim çocuğumuz. Onun kocaman bir ailesi var. Doktoruyla, hemşiresiyle, öğretmeniyle, arkadaşıyla, balıkçısıyla, antrenörüyle ve çok daha fazlasıyla rengarenk bir dünyası var...
Şu sözlerle bitirmek istiyorum: "Keşke sizi hiç tanımasaydım ama çok mutluyum hayatıma girdiğiniz için"... Hayatın zorlukları karşısında dimdik ayakta durabilenlere ve duranlara gönülden el uzatabilenlere gitsin bu yazı :)
İnsanoğlunun kurması mümkün olmayan hayaller vardır, onlar ancak yaşanır!
During the first years after CAN was born I had so many questions and problems on my mind, I was at times so very much distressed by living in that day, that I used to imagine about the future to run away from today. To imagine must have been my way of saying that, these days will pass by and everything will get better...
To image CAN laughing, walking, talking, going to school was like a symbol of hope I flared inside of me, building morale. These images flowed even into my dreams. As CAN grew up my aspirations were realized and developed further. CAN turned out to be a colorful kid just like a maturing fruit, juicy and sweet.
I still have heartaches, and nightmares too, every mother does so too I assume, mine a bit different maybe, but I am a mother too and CAN is a child. A child who has a long life ahead of him and he is one who likes taking tasteful bites of it. My utmost wish is for him to accept all that life can provide as is and be happy with all that there is; the sweet and sorrow, the loving and the jealous, the embracing and the marginalizing.
Yes CAN is a special kid, a kid diminishing all the generally accepted rules starting from the moment he was born, a kid whose life is full of miracles, CAN is our kid. He has an awesome family. He has such a colorful life with his doctor, nurse, teacher, friend, fisherman, trainer and so much more...
We have prepared CAN a calendar as a 6th year memory. There is a page for each month in the year 2013 and on each page there is a calendar of that month with a picture CAN reflecting some of the colors in his life. And we have written a few words as representatives of parts of his family. To remember today in the future. But still the days I have imagined of today are just like yesterday...
I want to wrap with these words: "I wish I did not meet you at all, but I am so happy I have gotten to know you"... I dedicate this article to those who can rise to the challenges in life and to those who trust out a hand to them fullheartedly :)
There are dreams that mankind is incapable of dreaming, those are the ones that are only lived!
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